How to Protect Yourself From the Latest WhatsApp Scams & Message Frauds in 2024?


Surprisingly, about 90% of all scams using text messages are now being launched through apps like WhatsApp. With 2+ Billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is not only an important means of communication but also a chaos generator for hackers and fraudsters, as well as the Mecca of messaging app fraud.

This raises an important question: what makes WhatsApp such fertile ground for scams, and how can you safeguard against these threats in 2024?


What Makes WhatsApp a Prime Target for Scammers?

Encryption and Privacy Features 

  • While WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption is designed to protect your privacy by ensuring that only you and the person you're communicating with can read what is sent, it paradoxically also shields scammers involved in messaging app fraud.
  • This feature complicates efforts by authorities to track and intercept malicious activities, contributing to the rise of messaging app fraud.

Global Reach and User Base

  • The app’s extensive user base exposes a wide demographic to potential scams, from teenagers to the elderly.
  • The diversity among WhatsApp users allows scammers to deploy a range of deceptive tactics, from straightforward tricks to complex frauds.

Understanding Common WhatsApp Scams In 2024

Loved One in Need Scams

  • Helping a loved one in need is an instinct for humans, and scammers exploit this tendency. In this scam, a WhatsApp scammer impersonates a familiar family member or friend using a different phone number. 
  • The fraudster then employs social manipulation tactics, frequently requesting funds to assist with a critical situation.

Ways to avoid Loved One in Need Scams:

  • Be cautious of receiving calls or messages from unfamiliar numbers and always verify someone's identity before sending them money.
  • Request the individual's previous contact number or verify their identity by mentioning a unique fact or memory that only they would be aware of..

Gift Card Scams

  • Scammers on WhatsApp utilize the platform for fraudulent gift card schemes as well.
  • In this fraudulent scheme, the recipient gets a text message purporting to be from a genuine business, including a link to acquire a supposedly Complimentary Gift Card.
  • The hyperlink directs to a harmful webpage.
  • When you click on the link, your device may be infected with malware, or you could be prompted to provide personal details to receive your gift card - unknowingly sharing sensitive information with a scammer

How to avoid gift card scams:

  • Avoid clicking on links from unfamiliar sources and approach with caution any offers for gift cards, giveaways, or prizes that you receive unexpectedly.
  • Avoid sharing personal information on any website not directly affiliated with the company.

Tech Support Scams

  • Scammers are skilled at persuading individuals to reveal sensitive personal information by pretending to be someone else.
  • Scammers pretend to be WhatsApp customer service representatives in tech support scams.
  • These “representatives” will ask you to verify your identity to help secure your account, leading to increased cases of messaging app fraud.

How to avoid tech support scams:

  • Avoid disclosing personal details to anyone who says they are a WhatsApp employee.
  • If you don't contact WhatsApp customer service first, chances are it's a scam.
  • If you get a message asking to confirm your account unexpectedly, be cautious as this may indicate a scam or an attempt to install spyware on your phone.

Lottery / Prize Draw Scams

  • Lottery and prize draw fraud schemes are common on WhatsApp and other social networking sites, such as Instagram scams.
  • In this fraudulent scheme, you'll get a notification stating that you have won a lottery or contest prize.
  • Typically, the fraudster will also include a link, prompting you to click on it to "Collect" your reward.

Easy methods to avoid Lottery / Prize draw scams:

  • Avoid clicking on any questionable links in WhatsApp messages or other social media sites, as they may lead to your device being infected with adware or requesting sensitive information.
  • Consider any communication regarding a lottery or competition as a warning sign.

Call Forwarding Scams

  • Just like a vishing scam, a call-forwarding scam begins with an unexpected phone call.
  • The fraudster tricks you into dialing a number that secretly activates call forwarding from your number to another one under the scammer's control.
  • As you are on the phone with the new number, the hacker attempts to access your WhatsApp by requesting a one-time password through a phone call, which is then forwarded.

How to avoid call forwarding scams:

  • Do not trust unexpected phone calls from unknown numbers.
  • Avoid dialing numbers that start with *67 or 405 as they are used to request call forwarding from your phone number to a different one.
  • In situations where you have noticed that somebody has hacked or is in the process of hacking into your WhatsApp, then it is important to change the PIN and other login credentials.

Incorrect Number Scams

  • Similar to other forms of phishing, scammers aim to steal your personal information through an incorrect number scam.
  • The fraudster "mistakenly" contacts you and starts chatting, then employs manipulative techniques to convince you to put money into their company.

How to avoid incorrect number scams:

  • Avoid communicating with unknown individuals who ask for money and block any incoming texts or calls from unfamiliar numbers.

Tips to Protect Yourself from WhatsApp Scams

Verification Practices

  • Always double-check the authenticity of unusual requests by calling the known number of the person allegedly making the request, especially if it involves money or sensitive information.

Privacy Settings

  • Optimize your WhatsApp settings to make your profile photo, last seen, and status updates visible to contacts only, minimizing exposure to potential scammers.

Awareness and Education

  • Stay informed about common scam tactics.
  • Knowledge is your first line of defense against scams, and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in community education.

How to Spot and React to Potential Scams?

Recognizing Red Flags

  • Keep an eye out for unsolicited messages that urge immediate action or include suspicious links and attachments.
  • Scammers often create a false sense of urgency to muddle your judgment.

Immediate Actions

  • If you think it might be a scam, avoid replying.
  • Block the sender, report the message to WhatsApp, and ensure your app is up to date to utilize the latest security features to combat messaging app fraud.


Since WhatsApp is still relevant in people’s communication, there is still the threat of people falling prey to scams.

This in essence means that we are capable of drastically reducing our vulnerability to scams as long as we stay vigilant, check the validity of any odd interactions we encounter, and always use the highest privacy settings available.

Taking Action if You Have Been Scammed

If you think you have been a victim of fraud, it is important to act quickly:

  1. Document Everything:

  • Record all communications and transactions.
  1. Contact Your Bank

  • Inform your bank or payment provider to halt any further transactions.
  1. Report to Authorities

  • Report the scam to relevant regulatory bodies and law enforcement.
  1. Seek Professional Help

  • If you think you have been a victim of fraud, it is important to act quickly. CONTACT US TODAY!

Importance of Safe and Reliable Fund Transfer

Protection of your withdrawals with forex brokers is important since it will reduce risks of getting compromised hence leaving your financial security compromised. Knowing the withdrawal process, the selection of a reputable broker, the most prevalent problems, and their resolutions on time will ensure efficient and safe fund transfers. Therefore, remain a keen trader, informed, and ready to prevent hitches in your trading experience.

Have You Been Scammed? We Can Help!

Do not lose hope if you have been deceived by a forex scam. Financial Options Recovery specializes in helping individuals recover their funds from fraudulent brokers.

Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring justice and financial recovery for our clients. Contact us today to start the process of getting your money back and securing your financial future.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • It is generally unsafe. 
  • Always verify suspicious numbers through alternate means before responding.

  • Utilize the "Report" feature on the app to alert WhatsApp's security team about suspicious messages or contacts directly.

  • In most cases, WhatsApp spammers throw random messages with the help of bots in random phones, randomly creating numbers to send unsolicited messages.

  • Yes, you can get spam on WhatsApp; this involves unsolicited advertising, attempts at scamming, and phishing messages.

  • No, it is not safe to reply to messages on WhatsApp sent by unknown senders because your reply to this text will only validate your number, and you will attract more spam or scams.

  • When the scammer does ask any question, it might show that your number is working and might lead you to phishing, malware, or financial damage. 
  • Be cautious and do not engage with such types of people.

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